I grope around for my lucky pink skull mug and desperately seek out another source of caffeine and sugar. Tea... Earl Grey Tea, vanilla syrup and half and half. Yes! I can make a sweet London Fog.
So now you know why I’m missing in action. I have to pretend I’m a writer. Again. Pinky the skull mug will keep me company. Oh god, I’m talking to my mug. Help!
London Fog Tea
Ahhh caffeine and sugar, you will be mine.
1 skull mug, preferably pink
8 to 12 ounces boiling water, depending on the size of your skull mug
1 tablespoon loose Earl Grey Tea
1 tea bag or tea ball
2 tablespoons vanilla syrup
2 tablespoons half and half
Steep tea for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir in vanilla syrup and half and half.

Love love love the mug!
I've missed you Laura.
I love half and half in my tea (cream too). My tea snob friends think I'm nuts, but I've been enjoying that way for decades. The vanilla syrup is a new one though - will have to give it a try.
I miss you too Patricia! Hold on I'm coming over...
I found out yesterday- NO more caffeine. With a history of problems, I chose to ditch it, but then I got caught up drinking it last week, and landed in the hospital, all because I wanted some extra energy.
No joke, we're doing chili for dinner tonight. Great blogging minds think alike. BUT, are you making chipotle cornbread to serve with yours? Touche!
When you're a famous cookbook author traveling the country on your very first book tour, we'll have to do lunch.
I'm addicted to coffee ( I hate to admit it, but it's true!) I'll have to give this a try!
I will have to try this for my husband who loves tea, but in his manly "Ragged Pt. Beach" mug:)
Chef E what the heck? Now I'm going to have to drink your share of caffeine. Yikes, stay away from that stuff!
mmmm my kind of drink!
Looks great! Love the mug!
I'm the same way with caffeine. Addicts unite! Anyways, a london fog sounds really yummy. I've never heard of them until now. So thanks for what will probably be my newest drink obsession!
P.s. my favorite mug has a monkey on it! ^_^
Just recently found out about London Fog, and am intrigued. It's going to be on my menu soon, I'm sure.
Never heard of London Fog till now, love the mug. Good luck with the writing. I used to never touch coffee, now I cannot understand why I would have done something as silly as that!
I LOVE the mug. WHERE can one obtain such a lovely pink skull mug?
I hate when I run out of coffee. I adore earl gray but it is never enough caffine for me.
Dawn and Mr. P the mug is made by my favorite German company, Waechtersbach. They have the nicest stuff, and sometimes you can get a piece or two at Ross! That's where I got the mug.
Love the mug. This sounds really good and have never tried it with syrup. Cream yes, but never syrup.
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