My friend Veronica asked if the “blobs” on this pizza were ricotta. She was right they were, and that’s how this pizza got its name. I giggle every time I see this picture now with all the blobs, and am motivated to make more blobby food. Is blobby a word anyway? It should be.
Well anyway, here’s the blobby recipe for this tasty pizza.
Zesty Old School Style Pizza Sauce
1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon ground sweet paprika
1 teaspoon sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon white vinegar
Place all the ingredients in a medium sized bowl and stir together.
Makes 1½ cups of pizza sauce. Enough sauce to cover three medium, or two large pizzas.
Garlic & Spinach Pizza with Ricotta Blobs
1 (16 inch) stretched pizza dough on a pan (See notes below)
1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 cup zesty old school style pizza sauce
2 cups shredded mozzarella
Couple handfuls fresh spinach
1 to 2 cloves minced garlic to taste
Ricotta, about ½ of a small tub
½ cup freshly grated parmesan
Salt and fresh cracked pepper
Sprinkle of garlic powder
Sprinkle of onion powder
Sprinkle of red pepper flakes, optional
1. Make the Zesty Old School Pizza Sauce. Set aside. (Extra sauce freezes well, or will cover another medium pizza.)
2. Heat up the grill to hot and close the lid.
3. Brush the pizza pan lightly with olive oil and sprinkle with cornmeal. Stretch and roll the dough and place on the pan. Brush with 1 Tablespoon olive oil. Spoon the pizza sauce around the dough.
4. Top pizza with the mozzarella, spinach, minced garlic, ricotta blobs (I did mine with a mini cookie scoop, but teaspoons work fine), parmesan, and a sprinkle of salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder and red pepper flakes.
5. Set the pizza on the grill and close the lid. Turn grill to medium high and cook for 5 to 8 minutes or until cooked through. Turn to medium for a thicker crust pizza and cook longer. Remove onto a cookie sheet with tongs.
Notes: See http://www.thecookingphotographer.com/2009/04/lets-talk-dough-pizza-dough.html for information on pizza dough and grilling techniques.
Recipe by Laura Flowers

LOL! You are too much! I don't know if making blobby food is such a good idea, but I like it in this recipe!
YUM! I love simple pizzas like that.
Mmmmm. This looks delicious!
I would really enjoy a piece of blobby pizza right now.
Blobs or not..great looking pizza:)
Remember when the best part of the pizza for us..was the dough BLOB in the middle?
This looks delicious and the ingredients are a perfect pizza topper.
LOL, I love the name of this. It sounds really delicious too.
I do love ricotta on a pizza. I need some of this soon.
I love pizza and this looks delicious!!!!!
I have good news for you, Bellacino's Pizza and Grinder offers Buy One Get One Pizza Free.
Laura, your pizzas drive me absolutely wild! Why do I keep making the same type pizza every time when I could come get fabulous ideas here? Well, all I know is that when I make good my threat and actually show up on your doorstep I hope that you will make me a different one of your pizzas every night! Beautiful!
On my recent post about reading and eating you made the comment that we must be the same person! Well, you must be right. I mean, has anyone ever seen us in the same room together?
This sounds perfect. Blobs of ricotta ... best way to use it.. its how I describe making ziti.. drop ricotta by the blobfull..
MMMMMMMMMmm, it looks so good!
This looks awesome.
And anything with "blobs" on it always has a leg up in my book. YUM.
Best looking pizza! Love the blobs!
Your pizza looks amazing!!!
Be still my pizza loving heart!
I just love the title... "Ricotta Blobs" haha looks delicious!
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